My recruiter, Larydot Recruitment, is kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. they makes sure that all of my concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Larydot goes out of their way every Friday to call and make sure that I have had a good week.
London, UK
Larydot Recruitment is one of the best parts about working for Sterile technician job! From the first day I talked to her on the phone, I knew this was what I wanted to do.
Bedfordshire, UK
Lardot Recriutment is the absolute best recruiter I could have ever asked for! they go above and beyond for any and every question or help that I need. they respond at night and on the weekends. They always doing everything they can to help. I have never had such a great relationship with a recruiter as I do with Larrydot. They helped me in more ways than I can even count.